Removing Addiction and Healing Mental Health
Mike Carroll and Jess Gaddes talking all things Addiction and Mental Health. ONE guest every week, experts in addiction and Mental Health with helpful inspo who demonstrate passion for their craft and why they believe their way may help you.We also speak to lived experience advocates about what has worked for them, removing addiction and healing mental health in their life and how they live their best life today.We only have one life, make it your best. Mike & Jess xxx
23 episodes
Mental Health Awareness Week (UK) 2022
Hi its Mike, Jess is away for our final episode in Series 2, looking forward to Season 3, starting Friday 10th June 2022. In the United Kingdom its Mental Health Awareness Week. Mental Health Foundation (UK) have themed 2022...
Season 2
Episode 14
Is movement the answer for addiction and mental health?
This week on the show, Ross and Jayne Quick from Quick Results training join us...Ross & Jayne (the Quicks) are the Co-Founders of Quick Results Training (QRT). QRT provide online anxiety, depression & self-confidence coac...
Season 2
Episode 13

Stigma in Addiction and Mental Health
Elisa Buggy is a Board Director with Mike Carroll for the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association (VAADA) and is the CEO of West CASA (Centre Against for Sexual Assault).Elisa grew up on Palawa Country, also known as Tasmania. She ...
Season 2
Episode 12

The American Treatment Centre’s Most Disliked Man
Dr Rob Kelly from Rob Kelly Recovery Group.Guarenteed addiction removal - or your money back…Robb has overcome homelessness, alcohol dependency, trauma, PTSD, and MDD and a whirlwind of events to be the "Gordon Ramsay" of the ...
Season 2
Episode 11

Both Sides of the system - Lived experienced and professional - addiction and mental health
Rosalyn Hennesy is a woman with lived experience of both mental health and lived experience of dependence of both drugs and alcohol. For 23 years she used any substance available to cope with a vast history of trauma and grief most ...
Season 2
Episode 10
Life Coaching for Mental Health and Addiction
It is our hope by listening to Removing Addiction and Healing Mental Health you have discovered many different ways to remove addiction and heal poor mental health. For people who have been in long term addiction and experiencing...
Season 2
Episode 9
ZERO to ADDICT in one pipe (Ice Addiction)
Nicole's story...We do recover- I consider myself a recovered addict, I am 43 years of age mum of 4 boys, wife, daughter, sister and aunt/godmother. Addiction does not discriminate. I was addicted to ICE for a very small ti...
Season 2
Episode 8
10 Lessons in Power Psychology - Helping you to help yourself.
This week Jess and Mike are going to help you to help yourself, especially if you are waiting 6-12 months for counselling appointments through the Mental Health Treatment Plans.Dr. Michael Abruzzese is an award-winning educator, author,...
Season 2
Episode 7
PTSD stands for "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"
PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.This week on the show, we take a break from the prison theme we seem to have adopted, (for no particular reason) and welcome Scott from PTSD Brokensword. Here’s what Scott said when I asked ...
Season 2
Episode 6
Navigating The Australian Justice and Prison System
Renee Mcnab is a Ex prisoner and prisoner advocate in recovery who knows what it's like to navigate the Australian justice and prison system and the dilemmas that come with doing so.Not only is she an advocate and ex prisoner she is a wo...
Season 2
Episode 5
Changing the world, one word at a time
I first met Dean from #otherwordz about two years ago and you could not have got two more different people on Zoom together. Each of us from different sides of the school playground, (so to speak) coming together to talk about how w...
Season 2
Episode 4
From The Prison System to Private Practice - Dr. Lina Haji (Rise Psychological Services)
Dr. Lina Haji worked in the American prison system providing psychological forensic assessments. Looking to provide an improved experience for forensic clients in the middle of 2020, she opened her own private clinical forensi...
Season 2
Episode 3

A brother's experience with suicide
Suicide is a topic that effects everyone.We, at “Removing Addiction and Healing Mental Health”, believe it’s everybody’s responsibility to help prevent suicide and to ask the tough questions and to be able to provide support to people th...
Season 2
Episode 2
Meet Jess and Mike
In this, our first episode for 2022, meet Mike Carroll and Jess Gaddes.Two people who have removed addiction from their lives after years of abusing their bodies with Meth (Ice) and MDMA (methylene-dioxy-methampehatmine) to now live the...
Season 2
Episode 1
Mike Carroll - 2021 Wrap up
Hey there it’s Mike Carroll and to wrap up this year on Removing Addiction & Healing Mental Health you’ve got me!No guest, me.I’ll discuss how you can make 2022 your best year and answer a few common questions I have received ...
Season 1
Episode 9
Tianna Hansen - Spiritual Healer and Light Worker
Tianna is a spiritual healer and light worker focused on embodiment as a form of healing and overcoming trauma/addiction. She fought with addiction for many years of her life (alcohol, drugs and even social media), stemming from th...
Season 1
Episode 8
Jarred Madison Frey - The Bipolar Bachelor Podcast
This week I welcome Jarred Madison Frey who is an internationally known podcast host of "The Bipolar Bachelor Podcast", which he started in early 2021. Being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type 1 at age 18, he now aims to re...
Season 1
Episode 7
Dexter Gelfand - Spiritual Counsellor
Hey it's Mike Carroll and this week on the show we welcome Dex Gelfand. Dex Gelfand is an internationally recognized leader in the field of spiritually oriented counseling, with clients spanning the globe. His time is ...
Season 1
Episode 6
Sophie Aghdami - Addiction Recovery Coach
Sophie is an Addiction Recovery Coach and, separately, a Brand Strategist and I welcome Sophie to The Mike Carroll podcast.Having grown up in Switzerland and the UK, Sophie now lives in Australia and works with clients worldwide.
Season 1
Episode 5
Jim's Stop The Stigma - Male Sexual Abuse
Mental health sufferer and childhood abuse survivor Lets help.stop.the #stigma surrounding male abuse and the after effects.
Season 1
Episode 4
Dr. Scott Waltman, PsyD, ABPP, Human. Psychologist, Author
Scott H Waltman, PsyD, ABPP, is a clinician, international trainer, and practice-based researcher. His interests include evidence-based psychotherapy practice, training, and implementation in systems that provide care to underserve...
Season 1
Episode 3
Jess's story of removing her crystal methamphetamine (Ice) and gambling addiction.
Hey it’ Mike Carroll and this week on Removing Addiction and Healing Mental Health - Jess’s story of her ice and gambling addiction.Jess is a woman in her 30s who grew up in western Sydney. Jess went through years of addictio...
Season 1
Episode 2
Lisa Michaels - Quantum Healer & Energy Coach
Lisa Michael's is my first guest on The Mike Carroll Podcast. How exciting 🤩🤩Lisa is a Quantum Healer and Energy Coach assisting people with trauma present in their lives. Taking anything but conventional means of trauma work, h...
Season 1
Episode 1